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Pick a Card, A Wild Card

Photography By | February 03, 2021
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Journeys Through Southeast Alaska’s Wild Foodshed

Our passions for fishing, the outdoors, and community have taken us on incredible journeys that have become the Baranof Fishing Excursions and Alaska Fish House story. As we reflect on our adventures and put 2020 behind us, we cannot help but think about Alaska’s youth. For many who have grown up here, hunting and gathering has been a rite of passage, daily exercise, a way to put food on the table, and a true connection point with this place.

Being a kid in Alaska nowadays is a much different story for many families. Traditions have been lost, eating habits have changed, and nature is too often seen through smart phones or tablets. We believe that getting into the forest, exploring tide pools, beach combing, and catching fish is a great way to educate folks. We’ve been proud partners of Ketchikan Indian Corporation, Women In Safe Homes, and other groups in co-creating programs that allow us to educate youth and build awareness of cultural and scientific aspects of respectful harvesting.

These are uncertain times, but one thing is certain: we are beyond fortunate to have a bounty of edible resources in our backyard. We have the ability—a responsibility, even— to promote healthy, active, and resourceful lifestyles. We’re eager to teach kids and their adults how to safely gather, cook, and preserve wild foods.

One new tool we’ve created toward those ends is a set of field guides with over 100 edible species found in Southeast Alaska. These guides take the shape of playing card decks. Many highlighted species are not utilized or appreciated enough but play an important role in our environment and traditions. Out of the sheer amount of edible species available, we chose common ones that can be identified safely and harvested wisely, and wrote descriptions that educate about traditional cultural use. These field guide cards are a tangible way to start conversations with youth and others we hope to inspire.

Order yours today on our website, or even better, let us take you and your family fishing and gathering and we’ll include some with your catch. Your adventure will make memories for you and yours and will support our community-minded efforts to educate youth about all things edible in the ocean, intertidal zones, rocky beaches, and forests.

If you are curious about our new field guides, want to collaborate on a program to support our youth, or are ready to enjoy one of our culinary or fishing experiences, email us at or give us a call today.

Baranof Fishing Excursions melds unique culinary and fishing experiences in Southeast Alaska.

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