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A Spirit of Resilience

May 20, 2020
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Alaska businesses have a partner in uncertain times

Entrepreneurs are resilient and gritty. You are night owls and early birds, brown-bag lunch learners and after dinner hustlers. You get things done, and the Alaska Small Business Development Center is here to help Alaska small businesses adapt to unpredictable situations.

The Alaska SBDC has been Alaska’s trusted business assistance resource for nearly 35 years. Through earthquakes, recessions, oil price crashes and more, our advisors have seen it all and can help you prepare your business to survive the current storm. Together, Alaskans can overcome whatever challenges we’ll face in the coming months. The Alaska SBDC is proud to back Alaska businesses every step of the way.

We are here to help.

The landscape for Alaskan communities and businesses has been changing daily due to the evolving impacts of the COVID-19 emergency.

All businesses, from sole proprietorships to major employers, feel the impact of COVID-19. Some have been forced to close or reduce operations. Others have made the difficult decision to furlough employees, and Alaska’s unemployment numbers have hit record highs. The message is clear: businesses are hurting and worried that the end won’t come fast enough.

The Alaska SBDC is prepared to help small business owners apply for funding made available under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This includes disaster loans, payroll protection loans, up to a $10,000 emergency loan advance, and other programs.

Tune in to our weekday briefings with Q&As to hear updates and guidance on COVID-19 related topics with industry professionals. Look to the Alaska SBDC COVID-19 Resource Center for information, tutorials, and videos to help guide you through this crisis on your own time. Connect with the Alaska SBDC today and learn more about how we can help.

aksbdc.org/covid19 | info@aksbdc.org | (907) 786-7201

Sea Fur Sewing

(pictured above)
Robert Miller grew up inspired by stories of his family sewing moccasins to sell each summer as a main source of income. Understanding first-hand the importance of balancing the coastal ecosystem of Southeast Alaska, he started a business to legally tackle the problem of sea otter overpopulation. Alaska Native owned and operated with a focus on social, environmental, and economic sustainability, Sea Fur Sewing selectively hunts areas affected by sea otter overpopulation. Sea Fur Sewing remains mindful of sustainability by responsibly harvesting meat and fur with a commitment to hiring local hunters, designers, models, and photographers.

Beaver Brothers Trading Co.

(pictured below)
Beaver Brothers Trading Company (BBTC) sells handcrafted local products on Prince of Wales Island in Kasaan, Alaska, and in their webstore. With their skillset rooted in trapping and blacksmithing, owners Quinn Aboudara and Edward McCarthy were inspired to start a business that would provide services to their communities. As a result, they established and grew strong partnerships with the local artists and craftspeople that form the core of BBTC.

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