I have always had a passion for making useful things, whether they are knit, crocheted, sewn or randomly glued and assembled. I started Alaska Knit Nat in 2010 as a means to keep track of all the stuff I make. I live in Anchorage, Alaska where the winters are long and cold. I’m not much of an outdoorsy person, so I enjoy passing the time cooking, creating and thrift store shopping. I love to share my ideas and inspirations in a clear, concise manner.
My background is in languages and journalism. I currently work full time as a communications coordinator for an economic development nonprofit. I was given a needle and thread at age 3, learned to knit by 6 and was building my thrift store wardrobe by age 12. At 14 I got my first job in the flower department of my local grocery store and floral design has been a part of my life ever since.
You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.